Don’t Blame It on the Washing Machine

Home improvement

Washing machines have made great strides over the years and have now reached the point where we take them for granted. Of course, this is only if they work as we expect. Ever wondered how a washing machine works? If not, you will soon find out. Of course, there have been times when you wondered why they spin so fast and never lose water, why and how the stirrer spins in both directions, and why the washing machine is so heavy.

The development of the washing machine has led us to now have two styles: front loader and top loader. Many will say that washing clothes is nothing more than filling them with clothes and turning them on. Sounds simple, doesn’t it? However, there are a few initial steps you need to take if you want to clean your clothes and not cause your washing machine to die prematurely. The initial steps are as follows:

* How big your load will be, from small to very large.

* The used temperature settings depend on the type of laundry being washed. Most of the settings are in the cold-cold, warm-cold, warm-warm, warm-cold ranges. The first setting is the wash temperature, the second is for rinsing.

* Now you need to determine how the washing machine will mix. It depends on how dirty the clothes you are washing.

Now we are ready to wash our clothes, or, if we say, the machine is ready. The next step is to make the agitator of the washing machine continue to rotate back and forth as long as it takes to wash the clothes. Again, the time was determined earlier in the washing process. After completing this step, the washing machines at The Good Guys will begin a quick spin process to get rid of the dirty water you just used to wash your clothes. Once completed, it is filled with water to begin the rinsing step. During this step, remove any detergent left over from your garment and also turn over to dry it as much as possible. At this point, the wash cycle ends and your garment are ready to dry.

Top-loading washing machines weigh about 170 pounds, and front-loading washing machines tilt the scales by about 200 pounds. Why should they weigh so much? Both types of machines perform the washing step by shaking the garment from one side to the other in soapy water. This movement of the agitator creates a lot of force, so something must be done at this time to stabilize the machine. To solve this problem, manufacturers placed a large piece of concrete at the bottom of each washing machine. This extra weight helps counteract the reciprocating movement of the washing machine during the wash and rinse cycles and thus prevents the washing machine from moving across the floor.